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Experience that will not be repeated marriage

Experience that will not be repeated marriage

The beauty of the bride

The beauty of the bride



Days after the wedding is not easy, but live it with full cooperation would make it seem easy.
Hari-hari setelah pernikahan tidak mudahTapi menjalaninya dengan penuh kerja sama akan menjadikannya terasa mudah.

Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they are in the same position
Banyak perkawinan akan menjadi lebih baik jika suami dan istri jelas mengerti bahwa mereka berada pada posisi yang sama

Faithfulness will be the glue that binds you to stay together and patience is your motivation to remain faithful.
Kesetiaan akan menjadi lem yang mengikat anda tetap bersamaDan kesabaran adalah motivasi agar kalian tetap setia.

Prewedding bone white red wedding dress

Prewedding bone white red wedding dress

Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they are in the same position
Banyak perkawinan akan menjadi lebih baik jika suami dan istri jelas mengerti bahwa mereka berada pada posisi yang sama

Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage
Cinta adalah sebuah kegilaan sementara yang dapat disembuhkan dengan pernikaha

Love requires sacrifice and the sacrifice it would be satisfied with the happiness that you feel through your love.
Cinta memerlukan pengorbanan Dan pengorbanan itu akan terpuaskan melalui kebahagiaan yang anda rasakan melalui cinta anda. 

Prewedding Simple Number One Classical Good

Prewedding Simple Number One Classical Good

Number one classic Prewedding provide examples always provide light later on when running a new life after marriage : Rizal Mantovani Photography W'art Solution

Wedding dress lady in red

Wedding dress lady in red

Wedding dress lady in red
W'art Solution
Rizal Mantovani
Wedding dress color and clothes Office

Wedding dress color and clothes Office

Wedding dress color and clothes Office
Rizal Photography
Wedding dress white color

Wedding dress white color

Wedding dress white color

W'art Solution
PH. Rizal Mantovani

Wedding Dress Color Brown Gold and Green

Wedding Dress Color Brown Gold and Green

Wedding Dress Color Brown Gold and Green
W'art Solution
Photography : Rijal Mantovani
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